Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget Monitoring - Quarter 2

Meeting: 17/11/2022 - Audit and Scrutiny Committee (Item 20)

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This report presents the forecast revenue outturn position for the current financial year 2022/23, as at Quarter 2 (30 September).


The Committee received a report presenting the forecast revenue outturn position for the current financial year 2022/23, as at Quarter 2 (30 September).

The following matters were considered by the Committee:

a)            Under-achievement of budgeted cemetary: a £32 000 income shortfall was forecast at the cemetary however with winter months still ahead, there is scope for the forecast to change before year-end.

b)            Under-recovery of income in respect of stray dogs contract: A Councillor enquired as to whether we have any statutory duties in respect of stray dogs. The Chief Accountant undertook to ascertain the current position and revert to the Councillor. 

Following consideration, it was resolved to:

(1)      Receive the revenue budget monitoring report, which sets-out a projected favourable budget variance of £243,000 for 2022/23;

(2)      Agree that a report should be prepared for the Licensing & Planning Policy Committee to address reduced forecast planning income and identify mitigation options;

(3)      Agree that the updated Quarter 3 position will be reported back to the Audit and Scrutiny Committee in February 2023.