Issue - meetings

The Grumpy Mole at The Amato

Meeting: 17/07/2018 - Licensing Hearing Panel (Item 2)

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The Panel is requested to determine the application made under the Licensing Act 2003.



Additional documents:


The Panel was requested to determine an application for the variation of a Premises Licence for the Grumpy Mole at the Amato,Chalk Lane, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7AS under the Licensing Act 2003.

Three objections to the application had been received from local residents on the grounds of Public Nuisance. The objectors were unable to attend the hearing and had requested that Mr Alexander Dean represent them.

No representations had been received from any responsible authority.

A site visit to the premises had been held on the morning of 17 July 2018. This had been attended by the three members of the Hearings Panel, officers of the Council and representatives of the premises were present. The premises licence variation application was not discussed during the site visit.

The original application included recorded music and entertainment of similar descriptions. The applicant had subsequently amended their application to remove this element, as it was only intended to provide incidental background music, which was exempt from regulation. Notification of this amendment had been circulated to all parties prior to the hearing, as had supplementary representations received by the Licensing Authority.

A verbal representation was received by the Panel from the applicant. The applicant informed the Panel that the venue provided a food driven offering to patrons, and set out its operating procedures. The Panel was also informed of the venues signs requesting patrons to leave quietly, its dispersal policy and arrangements with a local private hire firm for collection of patrons.

A verbal representation was also received by the Panel from the representative of the objectors. This supported their written representations, informing the Panel that properties neighbouring the premises were residential in nature and expressing a concern that extending the hours of the premises would lead to an increase in noise nuisance to residents. The representative also informed the Panel that visitors to the venue had created problems by travelling the wrong way down the one-way road system in the local area and that signs and markings informing of the no-entry arrangements were badly worn.

Following consideration of the written and verbal representations made, the Panel RESOLVED:

For the prevention of public nuisance, to partially reject the application. The following elements of the application were granted:

(1)          Opening hours to be as follows: Sunday to Wednesday 12:00 to 23:00, Thursday 12:00 to midnight, Friday and Saturday 12:00 until 00:30.

(2)          Late night refreshment: Thursday 23:00 until midnight, Friday and Saturday 23:00 until 00:30.

(3)          Christmas Eve sale of alcohol an extra hour, late night refreshment and  opening hours to include the hour plus 30 minutes drinking up time.

(4)          New Year’s Eve sale of alcohol until 01:30 plus late night refreshment and opening hours for that time, plus 30 minutes drinking up time.

The following conditions to apply:

(5)          Last orders for service in the garden at 22:00 hours, with the garden closed and lights off at 22:30.

(6)          The provision of the signage offered by the applicant namely:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2