Issue - meetings

Planned Maintenance Report 2019-20

Meeting: 04/02/2019 - Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee (Item 38)

38 Planned Maintenance Report 2019-20 pdf icon PDF 96 KB

This report requests approval for the 2019-20 planned maintenance works and reports on progress of the 2018-19 maintenance works.

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The Committee received a report requesting approval for the 2019/20 planned maintenance work and progress on the 2018/19 maintenance works.

It was noted that the works to the Public toilets had been prioritised for 2018/19 at a cost of £10,000 compared to £40,000 in previous reports.  The Committee was informed that £10,000 covered the cost of rectifying the damp issue only and not as previously reported a complete refurbishment.  It was anticipated therefore that further works would be required in approximately two years and it was agreed to regularly review and report back to the Committee.

The Committee acknowledged that the maintenance budgets only allowed for basic repairs and that further investment was needed to undertake any substantial projects.  To that end it was emphasized the importance of producing a sound business plan for Nonsuch Park that reflected the necessary works and required expenditure.

Accordingly the Committee;

(1)            Approved the priority planned maintenance works for 2019/20, at an estimated cost of £67,025

(2)            Noted the update on the progress of 2018/19 priority planned maintenance works