Issue - meetings

Planned Maintenance Programme 2019-20

Meeting: 02/04/2019 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 62)

62 Planned Maintenance Programme 2019-20 pdf icon PDF 106 KB

The Committee is asked to consider and agree the planned maintenance programme for 2019/20.

Additional documents:


Following consideration, it was resolved:

That the Committee:

(1)      Approved the 2019/20 planned maintenance programme at an estimated cost of £280,000.

(2)      Approved the carry forward of the underspend on 2018/19’s programme, for use as funding towards the proposed 2019/20 programme and outstanding Legionella remedial works.

(3)      Authorised officers to make changes within the programme up to but not exceeding £10,000.




The Committee received a report presenting the 2019-20 planned maintenance programme. The report also provided a progress update on the 2018/19 planned maintenance programme and requested approval to carry forward, to 2019/20, specific works and unspent budget from 2018/19. The following corrections to typographical errors within the report were noted:

·                     That the wording “Annex 2” in paragraph 2.2 be replaced with “Annex 1”.

·                     That the wording “Annex 3” in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.3 be replaced with “Annex 2”.

Following consideration, it was resolved:

That the Committee:

(1)      Approved the 2019/20 planned maintenance programme at an estimated cost of £280,000.

(2)      Approved the carry forward of the underspend on 2018/19’s programme, for use as funding towards the proposed 2019/20 programme and outstanding Legionella remedial works.

(3)      Authorised officers to make changes within the programme up to but not exceeding £10,000.