Issue - meetings

Skills Hub initative

Meeting: 30/01/2020 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 41)

41 Skills Hub initative pdf icon PDF 101 KB

The Committee is asked to consider and approve a proposal to fund the establishment of a skills hub to help local people develop skills to seek employment.

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Following consideration, it was resolved:

(1)      The Committee agreed to fund Surrey Life Long Learning for a period of one year to establish and operate a skills hub in Epsom as detailed in the report at a cost of £43,270.



The Committee received a report requesting it to consider and approve a proposal to fund the establishment of a skills hub to help local people develop skills to seek employment.

The following matters were considered:

a)            Target outcomes for the skills hub pilot. The Committee noted that the pilot had a target outcome of at least 15% of participants moving into paid employment following referral to the scheme. Officers informed the Committee that this was a realistic yet challenging target due to the challenges faced by  participants, and their low existing skill base.

b)            Role of Department of Work and Pensions. Following a question from a Member, the Committee was informed that the Department of Work and Pensions had no role within the scheme, other than the provision of office accommodation at the Epsom Job Centre Plus.

Following consideration, it was resolved:

(1)      The Committee agreed to fund Surrey Life Long Learning for a period of one year to establish and operate a skills hub in Epsom as detailed in the report at a cost of £43,270.