Issue - meetings

Longmead Depot Blenheim Road Epsom KT19 9DL

Meeting: 18/06/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 9)

9 Longmead Depot, Blenheim Road, Epsom, KT19 9DL pdf icon PDF 72 KB

This application seeks permission for internal and external alterations to   an industrial unit, which is currently occupied by a specialist vehicle maintenance company, which services and maintains the Council’s vehicles.



Building reconfiguration, installation of additional roller shutter and vehicular ramp, adjusting electrics and changes to the existing fire alarm system.


The application had been brought before the Committee as the site and buildings are owned by the Council.


Following consideration, the Committee resolved unanimously that:

Planning permission is PERMITTED subject to the following conditions:


(1)          The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 (1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

(2)          The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved drawings:

01919-020 Ground Floor Plan – Proposed

01919-023 Elevations – Proposed

01919-024 Sections - Proposed

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans to comply with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007).




(1)          In dealing with the application the Council has implemented the requirement in the National Planning Policy Framework to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive way. We have made available detailed advice in the form or our statutory policies in the Core Strategy, Supplementary Planning Documents, Planning Briefs and other informal written guidance, as well as offering a full pre-application advice service, in order to ensure that the applicant has been given every opportunity to submit an application which is likely to be considered favourably.