Agenda and minutes

Epsom and Walton Downs Consultative Committee - Wednesday, 9th March, 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Epsom Town Hall

Contact: Tim Richardson, 01372 732122  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 93 KB

The Committee is asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 28 September 2015 (attached) and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.



The Minutes of the Meeting of the Epsom and Walton Downs Consultative Committee held on 28 September 2015 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


Matters Arising from the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 78 KB

The Committee is asked to note the current situation on issues raised previously.



The Committee received and noted a report providing updates on matters raised previously. The following items were noted:

a)            Car parking for events. The Council’s Head of Legal and Democratic Services provided the Committee with a summary of the legal situation regarding car parking on the land adjacent to the Derby Arms Public House which was designated as a Hack Area upon the Signed Map for the Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation Act 1984 (the Act), and coloured with yellow-hatching in the Deposited Map for the same Act.

The Committee was informed that there were provisions within the Act to enable the area to be utilised by the Racecourse for parking for racing events. The Act did not provide specific provisions to enable parking on the area for non-racing related events, but the Committee was informed that this did not mean that such use could not be permitted.

The Committee was informed that use of the area for car parking could be permitted by the Council if the use related to Section 17.2 of the Act, or by the Conservators under Byelaw 2(i)(f) for other uses.

The Epsom Downs Riders Protection Society representative requested that in future, requests for the use of the area for car parking be considered via the appropriate procedure prior to it taking place.

The Head of Legal and Democratic Services informed the Committee that due to the location of the area (being adjacent to Derby Stables Road, Downs Road and the B290) not being ideal as a Hack Area, it could be argued that the impact of its occasional use for car parking had not been significant. 

b)            Dog control. The Committee received an update on dog control on the Downs, following the Conservators’ agreement that all dogs should be held on a lead whilst on the Downs prior to noon, daily. The Streetcare Manager informed the meeting that the new arrangements were working well.

Following a question from a representative, the Committee was informed that dogs were requested to be held on a lead prior to noon on Sundays (on which Training hours finished at 9.30am) to enable a more concise, simple to understand message to be made.

c)            Surface of Walton Road – satisfaction of Highways Authority to works. The Committee noted that the Highways Authority was satisfied with the works.

d)            Fixed-point photography for the Downs. The Committee noted that Officers hoped that a local camera club would be willing to undertake the photography.

e)            Access to Tattenham Corner Road crossing for pedestrians walking from Tattenham Corner Station. The Committee noted the comments of the Highways Authority, and that the recent works to reverse the railings, undertaken by the Racecourse had significantly improved access.

f)             Cars advertised for sale on the Downs. The Woodcote Residents’ Association representative reported that cars containing ‘for sale’ signs were being parked on the Downs. It was further reported that there appeared to be a number of vehicles  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Report of the Head Downskeeper pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To receive the report of the Head Downskeeper.



The Committee received and noted the report of the Head Downskeeper. The following matters were discussed:

a)            Hack posts review. The Epsom Downs Riders Protection Society expressed his thanks for the improvements made to hack posts by the Downskeepers. It was noted that a meeting would be arranged with the Hack Rider Representatives to discuss ‘no access’ hack rider posts.

b)            Winter work programme – coppicing. The Lower Mole Countryside Management Service representative expressed his congratulations for the work undertaken to re-establish coppicing on the Downs, which had been very successful.

c)            Byelaw Boards for the Downs. Following a question, the Committee was informed that a sign audit for the Downs had been completed, and that further byelaw signs would be considered by Officers alongside this.


Issues Considered by the Conservators pdf icon PDF 55 KB

This report provides the Committee with a summary of items of interest considered at the meetings of the Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators held on 7 October 2015 and 20 January 2016, and the Minutes of those meetings.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report providing a summary of items of interest considered at the meetings of the Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators held on 7 October 2015 and 20 January 2016. The following item was noted:

a)            Hatched Area at the foot of Walton Downs. The Epsom Downs Riders Protection Society representative requested that in future information be given as to why the Hatched Area was not suitable for hack riding, what action was needed to make it suitable for hack riding, and who’s responsibility it was to undertake such works.


The Queen's 90th Birthday Beacon pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consult on the proposed Beacon lighting ceremony and supporting event on Epsom Downs to commemorate the Queen’s 90th Birthday.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report with information regarding a proposed beacon lighting ceremony and supporting event on Epsom Downs on 21 April 2016 to commemorate the Queen’s 90th Birthday.

Officers anticipated that it would be a smaller-scale event than that held for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in 2012 and that attendee numbers would be much lower. The Borough Council had purchased a commemorative gas-fuelled Beacon for the celebration, and this would be available for use at future events. The availability of public toilet facilities was being considered, and Officers would also speak to the Rubbing House and Derby Arms Public Houses regarding the matter.

It was noted that Epsom Golf Club had been consulted on the proposed event, and was happy with the proposal.

Following consideration of the report, the Committee didn’t identify any suggestions or concerns regarding the proposed Beacon lighting ceremony on Epsom Downs on 21 April 2016.


Issues raised by the Hack Riders Representatives

To discuss any issues raised by Hack Riders Representatives. No items were highlighted prior to the publication of this agenda.



No items were raised for consideration by the Hack Rider representatives.


Issues raised for Consideration

To discuss any issues raised by representatives to the Committee. No items were highlighted prior to the publication of this agenda.



The following items were raised by representatives to the Committee:

a)            Planning permissions for advertising on the Downs. Following a question regarding the planning permissions granted to the Racecourse for advertising signs on the Downs, Simon Durrant informed the Committee that the Racecourse was able to use small advertising signs for its race day events. The Committee was informed that if signs were found on the Downs outside of these periods, they could be reported to the Racecourse for investigation and removal.

b)            Equestrian crossing of Downs Road near the horse margin. Following a question regarding whether an equestrian crossing would be installed on Headley Road, the Committee was informed that this location was within the District of Mole Valley, and outside the boundary of the Downs. It was also noted that transport infrastructure arrangements for the Woodland Trust’s neighbouring Centenary Wood site were yet to be put in place, and that these would likely be the Highway Authority’s priority for the area.

c)            Restoration of Chalk Downland – success of scrapes on the Downs. The Lower Mole Countryside Management Service representative informed the Committee that scrapes undertaken last year had been successful in enabling kidney vetch to grow there. It was hoped that this would encourage a population of Small Blue butterflies to use the area to lay their eggs.


Items for the Attention of the Conservators

To identify any items which the Committee wishes to be brought to the attention of the Conservators at their next meeting, and nominate a spokesperson to present them if appropriate.



The Committee felt that no items from the meeting would require verbal representation to the Conservators.