Committee details

Audit and Scrutiny Committee

Purpose of committee

Questions and Statements from the Public


At meetings of the Audit and Scrutiny Committee, any member of the public who lives, works, attends an educational establishment or owns or leases land in the Borough may ask a question or make a statement on matters within the Terms of Reference of the Committee.


If you wish to ask a question or make a statement at a meeting of this Committee, please contact Democratic Services at:


Questions must be received in writing by Democratic Services by noon on the third working day before the day of the meeting. A summary of statements must be received by Democratic Services by noon on the working day before the day of the meeting


For more information on public speaking protocol at Committees, please see Annex 4.2 of the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Operating Framework.


Terms of Reference


Audit and Scrutiny Committee

8 members

Terms of reference:

1.    To be responsible for the scrutiny and review of the decisions and performance of the council.

2.    To carry out the functions falling within the committee’s area of responsibility as set out below, working within the budget and policy framework approved by the Full Council, except where these functions remain the reserve of the Full Council or have been delegated to another committee. Where a new or changed policy will have a budget impact outside the budget approved by the Full Council, this must be referred to the Strategy and Resources Committee.

3.    To seek assurance of the existence and application of key policies and strategies as well as undertaking scrutiny of performance monitoring to evaluate whether expected outcomes are being achieved in accordance with the council’s corporate plan.

4.    To establish sub-committees to progress work of the committee.

5.    To decide on matters falling within its responsibility or delegate decision making to Directors of the council, in accordance with Appendix 2. However, this does not prevent the committee from choosing to exercise the function itself.

Areas of responsibility:

a.    Overall responsibility for audit and governance frameworks (including functions of an audit committee).

b.    Oversee compliance with the council’s duties concerning Best Value.

c.    Monitor implementation of agreed recommendations and actions from both the Internal and External audit reports.

d.    Monitor progress on the council’s annual plan.

e.    Review and approve the Annual Governance Statement.

f.     Exercise scrutiny over the council’s budget; the management of its budget, capital programme, treasury management, reserves, revenue borrowing and assets and the audit arrangements thereof, plus associated strategy and policies.

g.    Exercise scrutiny of the quarterly budget monitoring reports.

h.    Exercise scrutiny and approval (where applicable) of the annual Statement of Accounts, financial outturn, and external audit reports.

i.     Receive an annual report setting out the activities relating to compliance with key council policies including (but not limited to) anti-bribery, anti-corruption, whistleblowing policies, modern slavery and equality, diversity and inclusion.

j.     Receive and review the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman’s annual report.

k.    Receive and review, on a quarterly basis, the latest version of the key performance indicators and targets from each committee which seek to ensure the provision of cost effective, quality services to the community (as part of the council’s own performance management regime).

l.     Review and/or scrutinise decisions made, or actions taken, in connection with the discharge of any of the council’s functions and make reports and/or recommendations to Full Council where necessary.

m.   Undertake, in specific circumstances, pre-scrutiny reviews relating to council services and projects.

n.    Exercise the right to call-in, for reconsideration, decisions made but not yet implemented by any policy committee.

o. Work jointly on the corporate governance framework with the Chairs of Standards and Constitution and Strategy and Resources committees, incorporating strategic planning, corporate risk and performance management.

p. Carry out the council's responsibilities under Section 19 of the Police and Justice Act 2006, to scrutinise the work of the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) annually. 

In carrying out its responsibilities the committee will:

1.    Work in partnership with other policy committees, sub-committees and panels.

2.    Scrutinise the application of the Risk Management Strategy and oversee the corporate risk register, key performance indicators and any other actions relevant to the committee under scrutiny. The committee shall raise risk issues and concerns with relevant policy committee chairs.

3.    Have oversight of any matters of interest or concern relevant to this committee’s remit.

To make recommendations regarding:

a.    Matters with significant budgetary and/or policy implications arising from:

-  Internal or External audit reports.

- The reviewing and scrutinising of the performance of the council in relation to its policy objectives, performance targets, committee work plans and any Government sponsored assessment regime.

- Presentations by representatives of outside organisations about services which have a significant impact upon local residents.

b.    Consideration of any Councillor Call for Action.

c.    Changes to this committee’s terms of reference.

d.    Other matters under the committee’s jurisdiction which, by virtue of statutory provision, must be determined by Full Council.

To resolve:

a.    Matters in connection with above with no significant budgetary and/or policy implication.

b.    Decisions to refer matters to policy committees.




Contact information

Support officer: Email: tel: 01372 732000