Issue - meetings

Land at Ormonde Avenue, Epsom

Meeting: 22/11/2016 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 124)

124 Land at Ormonde Avenue, Epsom pdf icon PDF 112 KB

This report proposes that a small piece of land be transferred to Rosebery Housing Association, to facilitate residential development of their adjacent site.

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The Committee agreed that the Head of Property, following consultation with the Chairman of the Strategy and Resources Committee, the Director of Finance and Resources, the Head of Housing and Environmental Services and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, be authorised to transfer the land shown hatched black on the plan attached to the report to Rosebery Housing Association, on such terms as he considered appropriate.



A report was presented to the Committee which proposed that a small piece of land be transferred to Rosebery Housing Association to facilitate residential development of its adjacent site.

The Chairman highlighted that the Council’s current Asset Management Plan was under review but that the report helpfully listed the disposal criteria which currently applied to property.

The report concluded that, whilst it would not normally be in the Council’s best interests to dispose of land for nil consideration, it was considered that, when taken in the round, this was a disposal which could be recommended.  The positive points included the provision of more much needed new affordable housing in the Borough, an increase in the number of properties to which the Council could nominate households and the strengthening of good relations between the Council and Rosebery Housing Association.

Accordingly, the Committee agreed that the Head of Property, following consultation with the Chairman of the Strategy and Resources Committee, the Director of Finance and Resources, the Head of Housing and Environmental Services and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, be authorised to transfer the land shown hatched black on the plan attached to the report to Rosebery Housing Association, on such terms as he considered appropriate.