Issue - meetings

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Governance Arrangements - Report from Joint Infrastructure Group

Meeting: 22/11/2016 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 123)

123 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Governance Arrangements - Report from Joint Infrastructure Group pdf icon PDF 110 KB

The Council introduced the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) on 1 July 2014.  The Council is responsible for the collection, distribution and spending of CIL monies.  The Council has convened the Joint Infrastructure Group (JIG), comprised of Borough Council Members, Surrey County Council Members, Borough Council Officers and representatives from our infrastructure partners to help determine how funds collected through CIL should be distributed. 


This report provides an overview of the JIG’s inaugural meeting and seeks the Committee’s ratification of the Group’s Terms of Reference

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The Committee:

(1)          Noted the issues discussed during the Joint Infrastructure Group’s (JIG) inaugural meeting; and

(2)          Ratified the JIG’s Terms of Reference.


The Committee received and considered a report which provided an overview of the Joint Infrastructure Group’s inaugural meeting and which sought ratification of the Group’s Terms of Reference.

The Council had introduced the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in July 2014 and was responsible for its collection, distribution and spend.  A Joint Infrastructure Group had been set up by the Council comprising Borough Council and Surrey County Council members, Borough Council Officers and representatives from the Council’s infrastructure partners to help determine how funds collected through CIL should be distributed.

It was noted that a significant amount of money had already accumulated in the CIL fund but that equally a significant amount of it had been committed to the implementation of Plan E.  The JIG was still considering how best to administer the community element of CIL. However, it was stressed that it was for the Borough Council to ultimately determine how the funds were to be spent. The inclusion of Surrey Local Committee members and Officers of Surrey County Council on the JIG was commended and it was hoped this reflected an appreciation that the County Council had a significant stake in the matter.

Accordingly, the Committee:

(1)          Noted the issues discussed during the Joint Infrastructure Group’s (JIG) inaugural meeting; and

(2)          Ratified the JIG’s Terms of Reference.