Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan: Performance Report One 2016 to 2017

Meeting: 22/11/2016 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 120)

120 Corporate Plan: Performance Report One 2016 to 2017 pdf icon PDF 101 KB

This report provides an update against our Key Priority Performance Targets for 2016 to 2017, under our new Corporate Plan.

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The Committee:

(1)          Considered the performance reported in Annexe 1 to the report and did not identify any areas of concern;

(2)          Considered the actions that had been proposed or taken where performance was currently a concern as set out in paragraph 3.1 of the report.


A report was presented to Committee which provided an update against its Key Performance Targets for 2016/17 under the Corporate Plan.

The report highlighted that the following targets were “off track/not achieved” and the actions identified to achieve them:

·                     To process new Housing Benefit claims within an average time of 22 days

·                     To submit at least three business cases which would generate long term income streams to the Capital Member Group for prioritisation as part of the 2017/18 Capital bid process;

·                     To procure at least two residential units generating no less than 6% return on investment

·                     To review and implement a performance pay and staff appraisal scheme.

In respect of processing Housing Benefit claims, The Director of Finance and Resources stated that the issue here was not necessarily financial resource but rather around the transfer to universal credit and the struggle to keep staff: the Council was looking at options around service delivery.

In respect of the purchase of the residential units, it was confirmed that offers had been accepted but completion was dependent on the conveyancing process which could take some time.  The target was therefore off track in that it would not be possible to achieve the anticipated return of 6% on the investment in the current financial year.

It was queried whether the target of collecting £2.3 million of receivable rents ought to be recorded as “on track”. It was confirmed that this was correct: this element of the target related to rents in relation to commercial properties. Lettings income in relation to the Council’s venues was reported to the Community and Wellbeing Committee.

Accordingly, having considered the performance reported in Annexe 1 to the report, the Committee:

(1)          did not identify any areas of concern;

(2)          noted the actions that had been proposed or taken where performance was currently a concern as set out in paragraph 3.1 of the report.