Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan: Performance Report One 2016 to 2017

Meeting: 07/12/2016 - Licensing and Planning Policy Committee (Item 19)

19 Corporate Plan: Performance Report One 2016 to 2017 pdf icon PDF 104 KB

This report provides an update against the Council’s Key Priority Performance Targets for 2016 to 2017, under the new Corporate Plan. The Committee are asked to consider the performance report and approve the Key Priority Performance target.

Additional documents:


The four year Corporate Plan (2016-2020) sets out the Council’s vision together with its four key priorities.  The key priorities are underpinned by 19 key Priority Objectives and measured against 57 key priority performance targets.

The Committee received a report and supporting documents outlining the progress of performance against 13 key priority performance targets. It was noted that three targets were indicators for information only, seven targets were on track to be achieved, one item was slightly off track not a major concern or slippage, and one was off track and unlikely to be achieved in the projected year.

The following points were noted:

Completion of the pre-submission consultation on a partial review of the Core Strategy:  Due, in the large part, to the unanticipated loss of staff within the Planning Policy team the target to complete the pre-submission consultation by 31 March 2017 was not able to be achieved.  However, the Committee noted that two officers had been recruited and would be starting in January 2017.  Whilst the successful recruitment campaign would help to get projects back on schedule, the status of the target would remain off track.

Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA):  The Committee noted that the target to present the completed SHMA to the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee on 6 September 2016, had been achieved.

Planning Performance Agreements:-  The Committee noted that the target to present proposals for the implementation of Planning Performance Agreements had been achieved. 

Project plan for major planning applications:  The Committee were informed that the main purpose of this target was to ensure that major, key developments were given priority, and that adequate resources were available to enable maximum support for developers to bring forward development of town centre sites.  It was also noted that the recent recruitment of a Head of Property would facilitate the achievement of this target.

Accordingly the Committee agreed the recommendations as follows:-

(1)            The Committee noted the performance reported in the report and accompanying Annexe.

(2)            The Committee noted the actions that had been taken where performance had been a concern.

(3)            The Committee agreed the Key Priority Performance Target regarding the completion of the pre-submission consultation on a partial review of the Core Strategy.