Issue - meetings

Capital Programme 2017/18

Meeting: 07/02/2017 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 136)

136 Capital Programme 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 111 KB

This report proposes the 2017/18 capital programme and a provisional programme for 2018-20.

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The Committee:

(1)          Submitted the Capital Programme for 2017/18 as identified in section 4 of the report to the Council for approval on 14 February 2017;

(2)          Confirmed that it supported all of the schemes included in the provisional programme for 2018-20 as identified in section 6 of the report;

(3)          Noted that schemes for 2018-20 were provisional pending an annual review of funds available for capital investment.


A report was presented to the Committee which set out its proposed Capital Programme for 2017/18 and the provisional programme for 2018-20.

The report set out that the Financial Policy Panel had recommended the following schemes, thoroughly vetted by the Capital Member Group, for inclusion in the capital programme to be funded from capital reserves at a total estimated cost of £291,000:

·                     Installation of LED Lighting at Bourne Hall (£21,000);

·                     ICT Programme of Work (£25,000);

·                     ICT Legal Case Management System (£20,000)

The proposed provisional programme for 2018-20, all currently proposed for inclusion in the 2018/19 capital programme with no proposed schemes in 2019/20, was as a follows:

·                     ICT Financial Management System Upgrade (£67,000 to be funded from capital reserves)

·                     Epsom Business Hub (£30,000 to be funded from capital reserves)

Accordingly, the Committee:

(1)          Submitted the Capital Programme for 2017/18 as identified in section 4 of the report to the Council for approval on 14 February 2017;

(2)          Confirmed that it supported all of the schemes included in the provisional programme for 2018-20 as identified in section 6 of the report;

(3)          Noted that schemes for 2018-20 were provisional pending an annual review of funds available for capital investment.