Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan: Performance Report Two 2016 to 2017

Meeting: 07/02/2017 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 134)

134 Corporate Plan: Performance Report Two 2016 to 2017 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

This report provides an update against our Key Priority Performance Targets for 2016 to 2017, under our new Corporate Plan.

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The Committee:

(1)          Considered the performance reported in Annexe 1 to the report and did not identify any areas of concern;

(2)          Considered the actions that had been proposed or taken where performance was currently a concern as set out in paragraph 3.1 of the report.


A report was presented to Committee which provided an update against its Key Performance Targets for 2016/17 under the Corporate Plan.

It was noted that 12 targets were “on track”, 3 were “slightly off track” but this was “not a major concern or slippage” and 6 were “off track or unlikely to be achieved for projected year”.

In relation to managing resources, the third business case in development was in relation to a feasibility study for a crematorium and it was hoped that additional information necessary to progress the capital bid for the Business Hub would be available in the next couple of months.

Whilst the average time taken to process new Housing Benefit claims was continuing to improve, the target of 22 days would not be met.  It was extremely difficult to recruit in this area and other ways of supporting the team were being looked at such as additional offsite support.

It was noted that a realistic approach was being taken to the launch of the revenues and benefits self-serve functionality in the light of several factors, in particular the key staff vacancy which had arisen (the Head of ICT). The expected completion date was now the end of this year.

In terms of developing multi- skilled and motivated staff, following a meeting on 5 January, it had been agreed that a further 20 job roles would be benchmarked and it was hoped that this would be completed by the end of February.

In terms of supporting local businesses, following the departure of the Town Centres Manager, a revised timetable for the possible creation of a BID was being drawn up.  A specialist BID consultant had been engaged to take this forward.  There was a lot of work to do but the signs were encouraging and work on this was seen as a priority.

Accordingly, having considered the performance reported in Annexe 1 to the report, the Committee:

(1)          Noted the actions that had been proposed or taken where performance was currently a concern as set out in paragraph 3.1 of the report; and

(2)          Did not identify any areas of concern;