Issue - meetings

Borough Insight

Meeting: 28/11/2017 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 30)

30 Borough Insight pdf icon PDF 117 KB

This report sets out the benefits of producing the Council's magazine Borough Insight for our community. It seeks approval from the Committee to continue with the production of the magazine in the current formats and frequency.


The Committee agreed that:

(1)          Borough Insight should continue as a printed magazine delivered to households and venues in the Borough three times a year.

(2)          The Council continues to produce e-Borough Insight in-house and continues to endeavour to increase views and subscription numbers.

(3)          The above to be produced within an annual budget of £27,000


Note: Councillor Hannah Dalton in the Chair

A report setting out the benefits of producing Borough Insight, the Council’s magazine, was presented to the Committee, seeking approval to continue with its production at its current frequency and in its current formats.

The Committee concurred with the view that it was important to offer a number of channels to deliver the Council’s messages.  It was recognised that the digital medium was the way forward and was a means of accessing information that was and would continue to be actively promoted.  However, customer feedback indicated that there was still a demand for hardcopy. The County Council had recently ceased production of its hard copy magazine and this Council, on the County Council’s behalf, continued to promote matters of significant interest in print.

Accordingly, the Committee agreed that:

(1)          Borough Insight should continue as a printed magazine delivered to households and venues in the Borough three times a year.

(2)          The Council continues to produce e-Borough Insight in-house and continues to endeavour to increase views and subscription numbers.

(3)          The above to be produced within an annual budget of £27,000