Venue: Council Chamber - Epsom Town Hall
Contact: Email: tel: 01372 732000
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or other registrable or non-registrable interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting The Group is asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Group held on 22 November 2024 (attached) and to authorise the Chair to sign them. |
Budget and Council Tax Report 2025/26 This report provides an update on the preparation of the budget for 2025/26. The report seeks any final guidance from the group prior to the preparation of the Budget and Council Tax report for the Council on 11 February 2025. Additional documents: |
Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26 This report outlines the treasury management strategy for 2025/26, which includes prudential indicators for 2025/26 to 2027/28, the minimum revenue provision (MRP) policy, and the investment and borrowing strategy. It is a legislative requirement that these items be approved by Full Council. Additional documents: |