Decision details

Ewell Court House

Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Following consideration, it was resolved:

That the Committee:

(1)      Agreed the approach set out in the report to increase bookings at Ewell Court House and put the building on a more financially sustainable footing.

(2)      Agreed that officers seek to appoint, through a competitive selection process, a suitable specialist partner to manage bookings and events at Ewell Court House as well as day to day maintenance through a leasehold agreement.

(3)      Agreed that subject to the successful outcome of the selection process, to delegate the decision to agree terms and enter into an agreement with the specialist partner organisation for a period of no more than 15 years to the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Chairman of Strategy and Resources Committee.

Report author: Damian Roberts

Publication date: 31/07/2019

Date of decision: 30/07/2019

Decided at meeting: 30/07/2019 - Strategy and Resources Committee

Accompanying Documents: