Issue - meetings

2021-22 Provisional Financial Outturn

Meeting: 26/07/2022 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 11)

11 2021-22 Provisional Financial Outturn pdf icon PDF 644 KB

This report summarises the Council’s provisional financial performance for 2021/22 and details the capital budgets to be carried forward for schemes where costs will be incurred in 2022/23.


Following consideration, the Committee resolved with 8 votes for, 1 abstention and the Chair not voting to:

(1)      Receive the report on provisional financial outturn for 2021/22;

(2)      Approve the carry forward £2.564m budget for capital schemes to be added to the 2022/23 capital programme.

(3)      Note that the external audit of the 2021/22 Statement of Accounts is underway and expected to complete in the Autumn. Should any material changes to outturn arise from the audit, these will be reported back to members.


The Committee received a report summarising the Council’s provisional financial performance for 2021/22 and detailing the capital budgets to be carried forward for schemes where costs will be incurred in 2022/23.

The following matter was considered:

a)              Funding for Local Plan. The Committee was informed that if allocated funding was not sufficient to meet the costs of Local Plan workstreams, a report would be presented to the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee, and if required, to the Strategy and Resources Committee.

Following consideration, the Committee resolved with 8 votes for, 1 abstention and the Chair not voting to:

(1)        Receive the report on provisional financial outturn for 2021/22;

(2)        Approve the carry forward £2.564m budget for capital schemes to be added to the 2022/23 capital programme.

(3)        Note that the external audit of the 2021/22 Statement of Accounts is underway and expected to complete in the Autumn. Should any material changes to outturn arise from the audit, these will be reported back to members.