Issue - meetings

Green Gables, Ashley Road, Epsom

Meeting: 01/09/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 12)

12 Green Gables, Ashley Road, Epsom pdf icon PDF 432 KB

Demolition of existing building and erection of two linked, two storey buildings containing 22 student bedrooms, associated parking and cycle parking.



Demolition of existing building and erection of two linked, two storey buildings containing 22 student bedrooms, associated parking and cycle parking.


The Committee noted a presentation from the Planning Officer.

The Committee considered the possibility of a refusal of the application. The Chair considered it appropriate to require a deferral of the item to the next Planning Committee meeting to allow further discussions to be had.

Following consideration, the Committee resolved (8 in favour, 4 against, 0 abstaining and the Chair not voting) that the application be DEFERRED.

The reason for deferral was in order to arrange a Member site visit, with a view to bringing the application to the next meeting of the Committee, following said site visit.

The request for a site visit was made on the following grounds:

(1)          It was considered by Members to be essential in order to clarify issues, both for Members and the Agent, that could not be understood without such a visit, and which could not be considered prior to such a visit. The Committee considered that particular factors to be seen on site would be significant in terms of the weight to be afforded to them in determining the application, and because, following discussion in Committee, Members had reduced confidence that such factors could be fairly considered in the absence of a site visit to assess such details.

The Committee considered the importance for Members to have access to the rear of the property during the site visit.