17 Hobbledown, Horton Lane, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8PT PDF 259 KB
Siting and installation of restroom facilities.
The Chair explained that on account of there being five items on the agenda relating to the same site (HOBBLEDOWN, HORTON LANE, EPSOM, SURREY, KT19 8PT), the order of proceedings would be adjusted as follows:
a) The time provided to public speakers would be increased to fifteen minutes (three minutes per item) to allow time for speakers to cover all five items relating to Hobbledown collectively.
b) The Principal Planning Officer would provide a single presentation that would cover all five items relating to Hobbledown.
c) The Committee would be invited to address any and all of the five items relating to Hobbledown during discussion.
The Chair clarified that each item was to be voted on separately, as normal.
Agenda Item 4 - Siting and installation of restroom facilities.
Agenda Item 5 - Erection of perimeter boundary timber fencing, relocation of entrance gates and installation of gas tank holder (Retrospective).
Agenda Item 6 - Installation of timber and netting outdoor play structures, installation of 3 no. bounce pillows and construction of Lorikeet enclosure/structure (retrospective).
Agenda Item 7 - Variation of Condition 14 (vehicular access) of planning application 11/00511/FUL to allow deliveries to the farm shop and cafe via McKenzie Way access (Retrospective).
Agenda Item 8 - Variation of condition 20 of planning permission 11/00511/FUL to allow for Zones 9 and Zone 10 to be accessed by the public for the purposes of over-flow car parking at times of peak demand.
The Committee noted a presentation on all five items relating to Hobbledown from the Principal Planning Officer.
Councillor Steven McCormick proposed a deferral of all five of the items relating to Hobbledown (items 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8). This proposal was seconded by Councillor Jan Mason. The reason for deferral was to allow time for a Flood Risk Assessment to be created for the entire site, in order to be compliant with DM19 and NPPF policies.
Following consideration, the Committee resolved (6 in favour, 3 against, 0 abstaining and the Chair not voting) that:
The five items relating to Hobbledown (items 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) be DEFERRED to a future meeting.