Issue - meetings

Motion to Council

Meeting: 30/01/2023 - Licensing and Planning Policy Committee (Item 30)

30 Motion Referred from Council pdf icon PDF 290 KB

The report provides a basis for debate to the motion submitted to the meeting of Full Council on 06-12-2022 by the Labour Group about the Council’s affordable housing specified in the new Local Plan


Following consideration, it was resolved to:

(1)  Reject the motion as Local Plan Policy must be evidence based and as such the draft Local Plan provides a robust and more refined approach to maximise the delivery of affordable housing across both brownfield and greenfield sites.


The Committee received  a report which provided a basis for debate to the motion submitted to the meeting of Full Council on 06-12-2022 by the Labour Group about the Council’s affordable housing specified in the new Local Plan.

The following matters were considered by the Committee:

a)            Viability assessment: Officers confirmed that any viability assessment submitted by a developer, would be subject to an independent check.  This check would be commissioned by the Council, with costs to be borne by the developer.

b)            Homelessness: Members considered that homelessness was one of the biggest risks faced by the Council, but that Council also needed to be realistic regarding the calls on its purse.

Following consideration, it was resolved (6 voting in favour, 2 voting against, 1 abstention, and the Chair not voting) to:

(1)  Reject the motion as Local Plan Policy must be evidence based and as such the draft Local Plan provides a robust and more refined approach to maximise the delivery of affordable housing across both brownfield and greenfield sites.