Issue - meetings

Appointment of Monitoring officer

Meeting: 14/02/2023 - Council (Item 48)

Appointment of Monitoring officer

This report has not been published because the meeting is likely to be closed to the press and public in view of the nature of the business to be transacted/nature of the proceedings.  The report deals with information relating to an individual and information relating to the financial or business affairs of the Councile and third parties and the public interest in maintaining the exemption currently outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


Council received a report seeking authority for the appointment of a new monitoring officer.

Councillor Neil Dallen MOVED and Councillor Hannah Dalton SECONDED the recommendation in the report.

An amendment to the recommendations was MOVED by Councillor Neil Dallen and SECONDED by Councillor Hannah Dalton.

The proposed amendment was as follows:

“Page 265 of the agenda

Additional recommendation

(2) Agree to extend the current monitoring officer arrangements undertaken by Olwen Brown through Anthony Collins Solicitors until Mr Ionta commences work at the Council, anticipated to be 15 May 2023.”

As the amendment was put by the proposer of the original motion, it became part of the substantive motion.

Upon being put the recommendations were CARRIED unanimously.

Accordingly, it was resolved to:

(1)        Approve the appointment of Piero Ionta as the Council’s Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer#

(2)        Agree to extend the current monitoring officer arrangements undertaken by Olwen Brown through Anthony Collins Solicitors until Mr Ionta commences work at the Council, anticipated to be 15 May 2023.