29 Surrey Environment Partnership - SEP2025 PDF 252 KB
The Surrey Environment Partnership (SEP) has generated an approach document for the period 2023 – 2025, which it has called SEP2025. This report requests that the Committee reviews and endorses SEP2025 on behalf of the Council.
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Following consideration, Councillor Julie Morris proposed a motion to defer consideration of the matter until the next ordinary meeting of the Committee in order to allow for the opportunity for the Committee to receive comment on the matter from the Transport and Waste Services Manager, who was not present at the meeting owing to unavailability.
The proposal was seconded by Councillor Steven McCormick.
The proposal was unanimously agreed by the Committee.
The Committee unanimously resolved to defer consideration of the matter until the next ordinary meeting of the Committee.
The Committee received a report requesting that the Committee reviews and endorses SEP2025 on behalf of the Council.
Following consideration, Councillor Julie Morris proposed a motion to defer consideration of the matter until the next ordinary meeting of the Committee in order to allow for the opportunity for the Committee to receive comment on the matter from the Transport and Waste Services Manager, who could not be present at the meeting.
The proposal was seconded by Councillor Steven McCormick.
The Committee unanimously resolved to defer consideration of the matter until the next ordinary meeting of the Committee.