Issue - meetings

Issues raised for Consideration

Meeting: 16/10/2023 - Epsom and Walton Downs Consultative Committee (Item 8)

8 Matters raised for consideration by invited representatives pdf icon PDF 321 KB

To discuss issues raised by representatives invited to attend the meeting of the Committee.


The Committee considered issues raised by representatives invited to attend the meeting.

The following issues raised by the invited representatives were considered:

Woodcote Epsom Residents’ Society (WERS), Councillor Bernice Froud on behalf of Jane Clarke;

a)            Maintenance of the Downs. The Committee were informed by the Council’s Streetcare Manager that the Downs Habitat Management Plan is very prescriptive in what areas should stay long and what areas should be cut short. The Streetcare Manager informed the Committee that the Habitat Management Plan has been written, by the Council’s Countryside team, with the need to balance biodiversity with the racing industry in mind and explained that the plan can be found on the EEBC website. The Committee were informed that the Habitat Management Plan is a live document which can change. The Chair highlighted that the TGMB had raised the issue that pollen poses for horses, and that this is going to be taken into consideration going forward.

Epsom Civic Society, Nick Lock and Epsom Equestrian Conservation Team, Caroline Baldock;

b)           Noticeboards Content. The Committee noted that this item was covered during Agenda item 2, issue number 2. 

c)            Spoil heaps of training track material. The Training Grounds Management Board Member informed the Committee that there is a plan to make a start on recirculating the track material by the end of October 2023 and confirmed that it will all be reused on the Downs, with whatever isn’t used being disposed of. The TGMB Member explained that there is no finish date identifiedas of yet, but that the spoil heaps will begin to be dealt with soon in close collaboration with the Streetcare Manager and Team. The Streetcare Manager highlighted that all the materials will be recycled. The Chair asked the TGMB Member if some of the items are recycled to/from other Jockey Club courses. The TGMB confirmed that is correct.

The Committee received a comment from an invited representative that the recycling of the material that came off the gallops is full of rocks and the rocks need to be removed or crushed in order to protect the horses. The TGMB Member confirmed to the Committee that the surface being used on the horse walks doesn’t have any stones in, it’s off the Polytrack and the bottom track and is a different surface.

d)           Incorrect Signage. The Streetcare Manager explained that there will be less confusion once the old signs are taken down over the winter months.

The Committee received a comment from an invited representative that it is important to highlight the official and accurate training days and times on the signs so that dog walkers are aware when they should have their dogs on leads and are not keeping them unnecessarily on the lead when they do not need to be. The Streetcare Manager explained that it was simpler and more consistent to keep ‘before 12 o’clock Monday – Sunday’ on the signs.The Committee were informed by the Streetcare Manager that the byelaws state that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8