Issue - meetings

Local Plan Update

Meeting: 15/06/2023 - Licensing and Planning Policy Committee (Item 38)

38 Local Plan Update pdf icon PDF 385 KB

Public consultation on the Draft Local Plan (2022-2040) was undertaken between 1 February 2023 and 19 March 2023. Following the closure of the public consultation an extraordinary Council meeting was held on the 22 March 2023 where the decision was made to pause the Local Plan to enable specified tasks to be undertaken.

This report provides an update on the work undertaken following the decision on the 22 March by Council and makes recommendations on the work that can progress prior to a decision being made at a future committee on a revised timetable for producing the Local Plan.  

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Public consultation on the Draft Local Plan (2022-2040) was undertaken between 1 February 2023 and 19 March 2023. Following the closure of the public consultation an extraordinary Council meeting was held on the 22 March 2023 where the decision was made to pause the Local Plan to enable specified tasks to be undertaken.

The Committee received a report providing an update on the work undertaken following the decision on the 22 March by Council and made recommendations on the work that can progress prior to a decision being made at a future committee on a revised timetable for producing the Local Plan. 

Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)      Agree to the progression of specific workstreams prior to a revised Local Development Scheme (Local Plan timetable) being considered at a future committee meeting and note the work that has been undertaken since and in line with the decision by full Council to pause the Local Plan.

(2)      To note that Officers have written to the Council in its capacity as landowner to check the availability of additional sites for promotion through the call for sites process.

(3)      Agree to request additional information regarding the deliverability of the Council owned Town Centre sites in preparation of Regulation 19 Local Plan.

(4)      Agree to pause with progressing the Local Heritage List in parallel to the Local Plan whilst Officers prioritise workloads and consider any implications.




Public consultation on the Draft Local Plan (2022-2040) was undertaken between 1 February 2023 and 19 March 2023. Following the closure of the public consultation an extraordinary Council meeting was held on the 22 March 2023 where the decision was made to pause the Local Plan to enable specified tasks to be undertaken.

The Committee received a report providing an update on the work undertaken following the decision on the 22 March by Council and made recommendations on the work that can progress prior to a decision being made at a future committee on a revised timetable for producing the Local Plan. 

The following matters were considered:

a)            Member Briefings. The Chair confirmed that several briefings on the Local Plan will be scheduled for members to attend, enabling returning and new Councillors to be brought up to speed on the Local Plan.

b)           Greenfield sites. A Member of the Committee expressed support for the direction of the Local Plan, particularly with the efforts to look at more Brownfield sites rather than Greenfield sites in order to meet housing targets but protect Greenfield land.

c)            Consultation Comments. A Member of the Committee asked for a confirmation date on the publishing of the Consultation Comments. The Chair confirmed that they would be published by the 30th of June 2023. A Member of the Committee asked if Consultation Comments that have been submitted using a template response will still be considered and published. The Planning Policy Manager confirmed that any comments submitted by an independent individual or organisation during the consultation period, and through one of the designated channels, will all be processed, recorded and published.

d)           2018 Data - Epsom and Ewell Future Housing Numbers. A Member of the Committee asked what the achieved outcome is now that the 2018 data has been analysed. The Chair informed the Committee that they are driven by policy and requirements to use the 2014 data. The Planning Policy Manager informed the Committee that it is the Government who set and decide the standard method and all local authorities throughout England are also bound to use the 2014 data. In the report, the 2018 data has been set out to show what would happen if more up to date data could be used and the Government did not change any other methodology.

e)            Housing Targets. A Member of the Committee asked if the housing targets will be able to be achieved using 2014 data. The Chair responded to inform the Committee that non-greenbelt sites are still being looked for, the call for sites was still open and further workstreams are progressing, however, it is looking unlikely at present that housing targets will be achieved. A Member responded to ask, if there is an understanding and acceptance about not reaching housing targets, can a commitment be made by the Council not to build on any greenfield sites. The Chair confirmed that the Council cannot commit to not building on greenfield sites at present but that there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38