4 Video Surveillance System Policy PDF 227 KB
A policy to govern the use of video surveillance systems (VSS) and to note the work to bring the Council into compliance with the Biometric and Surveillance Commissioners Code of Practice.
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Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:
(1) Agree that the Video Surveillance System Policy be recommended for adoption at Full Council
The Committee received a report setting out a policy to govern the use of video surveillance systems (VSS) and noting the work required to bring the Council into compliance with the Biometric and Surveillance Commissioners Code of Practice.
The following matters were considered:
a) Funding for CCTV. A Member of the Committee asked aboutthe cost of updating our CCTV system and queried if there were funds available from Central Government or other routes to ensure we have a robust and working CCTV system in place. The Public Protection Manager confirmed that the CCTV system present in Epsom Town is new as of February this year and the new system was funded by the Home Office. The Chair informed the Committee that the quality of the CCTV system has hugely improved and the grant received from the Home Office was sizeable, at £271,000, and was part of the Safer Streets Initiative, for which CCTV provision is a part. The Public Protection Manager continued to state that funding streams from Surrey County Council for body worn video cameras and CIL funding for schemes in some of the borough’s parks have also been used.
Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:
(1) Agree that the Video Surveillance System Policy be recommended for adoption at Full Council