Issue - meetings

Town Hall Site

Meeting: 13/07/2023 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 8)

8 Town Hall Site pdf icon PDF 234 KB

This report considers the appointment of specialist consultancy support required for the Council to consider all its options.


Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)      Agree the procurement of specialist regeneration and development consultancy support as detailed in the report.

(2)      Agree a budget of up to £150,000 to be funded from the Corporate Projects Reserve.

(3)      Delegate to the Acting Director of Environment, Housing & Regeneration and the Head of Property & Regeneration in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, to commission the work.

(4)      Note a report would be brought back to Committee at the earliest opportunity following completion of the work.



The Committee received a report considering the appointment of specialist consultancy support required for the Council to consider all its options in relation to the future of the Town Hall site.

The following matters were considered:

a)            Options for Town Hall site. The Committee noted the potential development and development delivery options available for the Town Hall site.

b)            Use of consultants. In response to a question from a member, the Head of Property and Regeneration informed the Committee that it was proposed to procure consultancy support as set out in the report to provide capacity, resilience and expertise for the works which the Council did not currently possesses.

Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)      Agree the procurement of specialist regeneration and development consultancy support as detailed in the report.

(2)      Agree a budget of up to £150,000 to be funded from the Corporate Projects Reserve.

(3)      Delegate to the Acting Director of Environment, Housing & Regeneration and the Head of Property & Regeneration in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, to commission the work.

(4)      Note a report would be brought back to Committee at the earliest opportunity following completion of the work.