Issue - meetings

IT Strategy

Meeting: 18/07/2023 - Audit and Scrutiny Committee (Item 51)

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This report provides the interim IT Strategy agreed by Strategy & Resources Committee on 28 March 2023.

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The report, received by the Committee, provided the interim IT Strategy agreed by Strategy & Resources Committee on 28 March 2023.

The following matters were considered:

a)            Resident Services. A Member of the Committee asked for examples of transformational projects, that will improve and increase online services to residents, as referenced in the report. The Head of ICT responded to inform the Committee, that our current online forms and bookings are being updated using the new MyCouncil Services (MCS) software. The Head of ICT also noted that the current Website platform is due for upgrade and replacement. This will tie in with MyCouncil Services and ensure the whole EEBC Website is easier for residents to access services.

b)           Access to IT. A Member of the Committee asked about residents who do not have access to any IT equipment, and enquired about any initiatives, run by the Council, which will make access to and confidence with IT more widely available and supported. The Head of ICT confirmed that free Wi-Fi is available at various Council Venues, including the Town Hall and Bourne Hall. The Head of IT informed the Committee that a number of devices (10 at present but more to follow) were being made available (through Cllr Jones) for residents. The Chair informed the Committee that Surrey County Council is carrying out training in Epsom Library, where individuals can bring devices or questions and they will be assisted with their IT needs. 

Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)      Note and comment on the contents of the IT Strategy.