Issue - meetings

Scheme of Delegation

Meeting: 25/07/2023 - Council (Item 26)

Scheme of Delegation

This report has not been published because the meeting is likely to be closed to the press and public in view of the nature of the business to be transacted/nature of the proceedings.  The report deals with information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) & Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption currently outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.



Additional documents:


The Mayor informed the Council that he had permitted the addition of this additional urgent item to the agenda in accordance with FCR 7.7 of Appendix 4 of the Constitution as it was necessary to inform Members of the matter at the earliest opportunity available. The report identified some operational issues concerning the Council’s Scheme of Delegation and the proposed a way to remedy those issues. 

Councillor Liz Frost MOVED and Councillor Hannah Dalton SECONDED the recommendations in the report.

In moving the recommendations, Councillor Liz Frost identified an amendment to the wording of the motion set out in the agenda.  This amendment was to add a further recommendation as set out below.

“(3) Agree that the following wording be added to Appendix 2 of the Constitution:

The Chief Executive and Directors are authorised to take decisions on grounds of urgency regarding matters which would otherwise be reserved for determination by a Committee or Council. A matter can be deemed urgent if, in the reasonable opinion of the officer concerned, a delay would seriously prejudice the interest of the Council or of the public and it is not practicable to convene a quorate meeting of the relevant decision-making body in sufficient time to take the decision. The officer concerned shall also:

        Advise and seek the views of the Chair and Vice Chair of the appropriate Committee at the earliest opportunity.

        Report the matter to the next scheduled meeting of the appropriate Committee; and

        Ensure all members are advised at the earliest opportunity (via MemberNews currently).”

Upon being put the recommendations of the report were CARRIED as follows:

It was resolved with 20 votes for, 5 abstentions and the Mayor not voting to:

(1)        Note the contents of this report.

It was resolved with 17 votes for, 1 vote against, 7 abstentions and the mayor not voting to:

(2)        Approve the allocation of £15,000 from the Corporate Projects Reserve to enable the funding of external legal advice.

It was resolved with 17 votes for, 2 votes against, 6 abstentions and the Mayor not voting to:

(3)        Agree that the following wording be added to Appendix 2 of the Constitution:

The Chief Executive and Directors are authorised to take decisions on grounds of urgency regarding matters which would otherwise be reserved for determination by a Committee or Council. A matter can be deemed urgent if, in the reasonable opinion of the officer concerned, a delay would seriously prejudice the interest of the Council or of the public and it is not practicable to convene a quorate meeting of the relevant decision-making body in sufficient time to take the decision. The officer concerned shall also:

·                 Advise and seek the views of the Chair and Vice Chair of the appropriate Committee at the earliest opportunity.

·                 Report the matter to the next scheduled meeting of the appropriate Committee; and

·                 Ensure all members are advised at the earliest opportunity (via MemberNews currently)