16 22/00316/TPO - 8 Grafton Road, Worcester Park KT47QP PDF 385 KB
Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order (TPO) No. 476A made in respect of a Scots Pine tree at 8 Grafton Road.
The Committee received a presentation on the application from the Planning Development and Enforcement Manager.
Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order (TPO) No. 476A made in respect of a Scots Pine tree at 8 Grafton Road.
Officer Recommendation:
(1) Tree Preservation Order No. 476A is confirmed without modification.
(2) Tree Preservation Order No. 476 is revoked.
(3) Tree Preservation Order No. 6 is modified to remove the reference to the Pine T17.
Following consideration, the Committee resolved (8 For, 1 Abstention, and the Chair not voting) to:
(1) Confirm Tree Preservation Order No. 476A without modification.
(2) Revoke Tree Preservation Order No. 476.
(3) Modify Tree Preservation Order No. 6 to remove the reference to the Pine T17.