Issue - meetings

Mid-Year Budget Monitoring

Meeting: 06/11/2023 - Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators (Item 45)

45 Mid-Year Budget Monitoring pdf icon PDF 239 KB

This item reports on the income and expenditure position as at 31 August 2023 and seeks guidance on the preparation of the budget and precept for 2024/25.

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The Conservators received a report on the income and expenditure position as of 31 August 2023 and seeking guidance on the preparation of the budget and precept for 2024/25.

The following matters were considered:

a)            Weather effects. A Conservator asked if the unseasonably warm and wet winter will have a worsening effect on the progression of the Ash Dieback disease on the affected trees. The Interim Head of Place Development responded to explain that the progress of the disease generally and in specific trees is not weather dependent. The Chair explained that the previous Ash Dieback report presented to the Conservators in June, set out the risk-based approach that is currently being taken by the Council.

b)           Additional Ash Dieback costs. A Conservator raised concerns about the costs of dealing with Ash Dieback and expressed a steer towards the higher (6%) precept in order to cover funds. The Chair informed the Conservators that the Ash Dieback report presented to the Conservators at the meeting sets out the funding required and impact on the reserves, which is also reflected in the Mid-Year Budget report. The Chair continued to explain that the increase in precepts will be to replenish the reserves.

c)            Precept Increase. The Conservators were asked to vote on a 4% or a 6% increase in precepts to help provide guidance on the preparation of the Budget 2024/25 as set out in Recommendation 2.

Following consideration, the Conservators;

Resolved (6 for, 1 abstaining and the Chair not voting) to;

(1)      Note the mid-year income and expenditure position;

Resolved (4 for 6% increase, 3 for 4% increase and 1 abstaining) to;

(2)      Provide guidance on the preparation of the budget for 2024/25;

Resolved (6 for, 1 abstaining and the Chair not voting) to;

(3)      Note the conclusion of the 2022/23 external audit of the accounts;

(4)      Agree the £10,000 reserve transfer between the Repairs & Renewals Fund and the working balance.