Issue - meetings

Principles for new Medium Term Financial Strategy

Meeting: 24/11/2023 - Financial Strategy Advisory Group (Item 9)

9 Principles for new Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 298 KB

This report seeks guidance on the principles to be included in the new Medium TermThis report seeks guidance on the principles to be included in the new Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2024-28.

 Financial Strategy for 2024-28.

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Following consideration of the report’s contents, the Group agreed that the proposed wording for the sixth principle in the ‘Investment In Services’ section should be changed to:

“Aim to maintain a minimum of £0.5m annual funding from revenue to fund the annual capital programme”.

Subject to this amendment, the group moved to consider the report recommendation, which was agreed as follows:

(1)          To support the principles to be used in producing the new Medium Term Financial Strategy.