Issue - meetings

Procurement Waivers

Meeting: 22/11/2023 - Licensing and Planning Policy Committee (Item 55)

55 Procurement Waivers pdf icon PDF 241 KB

To inform the Committee of procurement waivers within their budgetary responsibility.


Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)      Note the waivers highlighted within this report.




A report was received informing the Committee of procurement waivers within their budgetary responsibility.

The following matters were considered:

a)            Waiver query. A Member of the Committee asked what Waiver WVR043 was for. The Interim Director of Environment, Housing and Regeneration informed the Committee that Waiver WVR043 was for the Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment, which is a piece of evidenced based support in the Local Plan.

b)            Threshold three. Councillor Lawrence asked the Chair how the Threshold three figure, reference in paragraph 2.2.3, was determined, and if the Council set it or it was set by Central Government. The Chair responded to direct the Committee to the Council’s Procurement Strategy and Standing Orders, which can both be found on the Council's website, and further explain the thresholds and procurement procedure. The Chair informed the Committee, that it is their understanding, that the thresholds are set by the Council, and if there is a change required, then it would be brought to Members of the relevant policy committee to get approval of that change. The Chair noted that there is legislation that exists that may inform the higher number items as well.

Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)      Note the waivers highlighted within this report.