80 Progress Report - June 2016 PDF 76 KB
A report to update the Joint Management Committee on the progress of matters considered previously and the activities of Volunteer Groups
Additional documents:
A report was received by the Joint Management Committee which updated members on progress regarding various outstanding matters.
Dementia Friendly Initiative
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council’s Streetcare Manager reported that a very enlightening meeting had taken place on 25 April 2016 between herself, Epsom and Ewell Borough Councillor Graham Dudley and representatives from the Alzheimer’s Society.
Although much could be done around the park to make the site more dementia friendly, it was agreed better to start small and build slowly.
The initiative had the full support of the Joint Management Committee, particularly the potential development of a sensory/memory garden.
As a first step, a Dementia Friends information session would be held following this meeting. The next step would be to review signage around the park and information garnered to date from the Alzheimer’s Society could certainly be used if a Heritage Lottery Fund bid was to be submitted.
Update from Volunteer Groups
An update from Nonsuch Voles was appended to the report. In particular, Mr. Airey highlighted that the drainage works undertaken appeared to have held up very well after the recent rain.
Mr. Smith (Friends of Nonsuch) reported that the museum was open and was enjoying a steady stream of visitors, including overseas visitors. However, maintenance continued to be the main focus of the Group. 1200 recorded hours of work had been undertaken by volunteers. The Rosewalk, in particular, took a significant amount of work. A seat had been promised by the Farmer family for the Bothy in remembrance of family lost in the Battle of the Somme. The JMC was further informed that the Friends of Nonsuch had a new Chairman, Tony Kerslake. Mr. Kerslake was a former London Borough of Sutton Councillor and Mayor.
The Joint Management Committee wished its thanks recorded to the volunteers who undertook such valuable work and to Sally Williams of the Meadow Project who was sadly moving on to pastures new.
64 Progress Report - April 2016 PDF 72 KB
A report to update the Joint Management Committee on the progress of matters considered previously and the activities of Volunteer Groups.
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report updating it on the progress of matters considered previously, and the activities of Volunteer Groups.
The following matters were considered:
a) Farmer Memorial. The Committee noted that the restoration of the Memorial had been completed in March. It was also noted that only one bollard was in location to protect the memorial from future incidents, and the Committee requested Officers to look into the possibility of providing a second. The Assistant Parks Manager would discuss this matter with the insurers for the accident.
b) Habitat Management Plan – Progress update. The Streetcare Manager informed the Committee that she had recently met with the Nonsuch Voles representatives and that the Voles had agreed to undertake several items from the Habitat Management Plan’s Action Plan. Following this, the Streetcare Manager had produced a final copy of the Habitat Management Plan. The Committee noted that the final copy of the plan would be circulated following the meeting.
c) Dementia Friendly Initiative. The Committee was informed that a site visit with 2 representatives of the Alzheimers Society had been arranged by the Streetcare Manager for Monday 25 April. Councillor Dudley would also be in attendance.
d) Commercial Dog Walking. The Streetcare Manager informed the Committee that Epsom and Ewell Borough Council was in the process of recruiting 3 new Rangers, and that one of their duties would be to assist in managing dog control in the Borough’s parks and open spaces. The Streetcare Manager also informed the Committee that a holistic approach to the issue was necessary, as otherwise problems could be transferred to other locations within the Borough.
The Committee noted that there was no legal requirement for commercial dog walkers to hold a licence for such an activity. Some Royal Parks issued ‘Professional Dog Walker’ Licences, but these required a significant level of resource to implement and enforce.
The Streetcare Manager would provide a report containing proposals for the management of dog control and commercial dog walking to the October meetings of the Joint Management Committee and Epsom and Ewell Borough Council’s Leisure Committee. It was noted that the London Borough of Sutton’s Local Committee may also need to consider a report regarding the matter to enable a similar approach to be taken in the Warren Farm area.
A revised Dog Walking Policy had recently been introduced on Epsom and Walton Downs, and had been very successful. Councillor Hicks requested a copy of the revised Dog Walking Policy for Epsom and Walton Downs, and it was noted that the Streetcare Manager would circulate this following the meeting.
e) Update from The Meadow Project. Sally Williams provided the Committee with a verbal update on planned volunteer days for the project during May-June 2016.
f) Update from Nonsuch Voles. The Committee noted the Quarter 1 update report from the Nonsuch Voles.
g) Update from Nonsuch Watch. Frances Wright provided the Committee with an update on survey work undertaken by the group and ... view the full minutes text for item 64