Issue - meetings

Communications Strategy

Meeting: 25/01/2024 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 35)

35 Communications Strategy pdf icon PDF 220 KB

This report provides details of the newly developed Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Communications Strategy for the 2024-28 period.

Additional documents:


Following consideration, the Committee resolved to;


(7 for, 1 against)

(1)       Agree that the 2024-28 Communications Strategy be adopted as a living document.



The Committee received a report providing details of the newly developed Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Communications Strategy for the 2024-28 period.

The following matters were considered:

a)            Public access to information. In response to a question from a member, the Committee was informed that Councillor Briefings were intended as a safe and confidential space obtain information and provide a steer to officers about matters that would come to committees for a decision. The Head of Legal and Monitoring Officer informed the Committee that councillors should feel able to disclose to third parties that they were attending a briefing but advised that they should not disclose the nature of the briefing, particularly if it is unclear whether it is a confidential briefing or not. The Committee noted that this matter was not an issue addressed by the Communications Strategy as it was a matter falling within the Council’s Constitution.

b)            Press releases. In response to a question from a member, the Chair informed the Committee that press releases were prepared in advance of meetings to ensure that information was provided to the public promptly and effectively following a decision being made.

Following consideration, the Committee resolved with 7 votes for and 1 vote against to:

(1)      Agree that the 2024-28 Communications Strategy be adopted as a living document.