Issue - meetings

Urgent item - to approve an act of public hypnotism under the hypnotism act 1952

Meeting: 16/04/2024 - Council (Item 60)

60 Urgent Decisions pdf icon PDF 220 KB

To report to the Council a decision taken by the Chief Executive and Directors on the grounds of urgency, in compliance with the requirements of the Constitution.


Council received a report setting out the decisions taken by the Chief Executive and Directors on the grounds of urgency, in compliance with Appendix 2 to the Constitution – The Scheme of Delegation paragraph 3.1.

Councillor Steven McCormick MOVED and Councillor Peter O’Donovan SECONDED the recommendation in the report.

Upon being put the recommendation was unanimously CARRIED.

Accordingly, it was resolved:

(1)           To note the urgent decision taken and the reason for that decision.