Issue - meetings

6A Bucknills Close, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7NY

Meeting: 18/04/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 49)

49 6A Bucknills Close, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7NY pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Demolition of residential dwelling at 6A Bucknills Close and the construction of five residential units (5 x 3-bed) (Class C3) together with car parking, landscaping, and access arrangements.

Additional documents:



Demolition of residential dwelling at 6A Bucknills Close and the construction of five residential units (5 x 3-bed) (Class C3) together with car parking, landscaping, and access arrangements.

Officer Recommendation:

Approval, subject to conditions and informatives.

Officer Presentation:

The Committee received a presentation on the application from the Planning Officer.

Public Speaking:

The Ward Councillor who called-in the application spoke.

A Member of the Public spoke in objection to the application.

The Agent to the Applicant spoke in support of the application.


Following consideration, Councillor Neil Dallen proposed that the application be refused for the following reasons:


Highway Safety

It has not been sufficiently demonstrated that the proposed dedicated footpath would be an acceptable pedestrian alternative to the existing access. As such, given there is inadequate space available within the site to accommodate both pedestrian and vehicular movements in a safe manner, the proposal would result in the risk of collision between vehicles and pedestrians using the access road, causing danger and inconvenience to pedestrians and other highway users and interfere with the free flow of traffic on the adjoining highway. This would be contrary to Section 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023, Policy CS16 of the Core Strategy 2007. criterion 3 of Policy DM16 and Policies DM36 and DM37 of the Management Policies 2015, and objective 3 of the Surrey Transport Plan (LTP4) 2022-2032.

Waste Management

The excessive drag distance between Plots 1 and 2 and the bin collection area would result in inconvenience to future occupiers, leading to a risk of fly tipping and harm to the character and appearance of the area and neighbour amenity and failing to appropriately safeguard the living conditions of all future occupiers, contrary to Section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023, Policy CS1 and CS6 of Core Strategy 2007 and Policies DM9 and DM10 of the Management Policies 2015.

The proposal was seconded by Councillor Jan Mason.

The Committee resolved (5 for, 4 against, and the Chair not voting) that:

The application be REFUSED.