Issue - meetings

Service Reviews

Meeting: 23/07/2024 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 9)

9 Service Reviews pdf icon PDF 734 KB

This report proposes a programme of service reviews over the next three years, with the aim of delivering at least £720,000 of annualised savings for the Council.

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Following consideration, the Committee resolved with 5 votes for and 3 abstentions to:

(1)       Approve the programme of service reviews, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report as amended, to be progressed by relevant Heads of Service in consultation with the relevant Service Director and Policy Committee Chairs.

The amendment was as follows:

·                To list the wording “To review the community services offering and facilities at the Community & Wellbeing Centre” and “To review the services offering and facilities at Bourne Hall (including museum)” as two separate items in Appendix 1 to the report.

(2)       Agree that the options of individual service reviews should be reported back to the relevant Policy Committee;

(3)       Agree that a report will be brought back at least annually to Strategy & Resources Committee to update members on progress against the overall programme of service reviews;

(4)       Approve funding of £35,000 from the Corporate Projects Reserve to enable the review of Community Services and Facilities to be progressed.


The Committee received a report proposing a programme of service reviews over the next three years, with the aim of delivering at least £720,000 of annualised savings for the Council.

The following matters were considered:

a)             £35,000 for review of Community Services and facilities. The Chair informed the Committee that the £35,000 proposed funding included in recommendation 3 of the report related to potential works at Bourne Hall, such as the relocation of the library or museum.

b)             Correction to recommendation 2. The Chair informed the Committee of a correction to recommendation 2 of the report, as follows:

That the word “outcome” be corrected to “options”.

c)             Scheduling of works. In response to a member, the Chair informed the Committee that a number of factors were considered when producing the proposed schedule of works. These included the level of officer time required and the anticipated speed that savings would be achieved.

d)             Amendment: Review of community services & facilities. The Committee noted that the first service review item listed on Appendix 1 to the report would be split into two separate items. The wording “To review the community services offering and facilities at the Community & Wellbeing Centre” and “To review the services offering and facilities at Bourne Hall (including museum)” would be used.

e)             Review of enforcement & borough cleansing. In response to a question from a member, the Chair informed the Committee that this review would consider whether savings could be achieved through synergies in service delivery.

f)              Consultancy for specialist works. In response to a question from a member, the Chair and Chief Executive informed the Committee that the council only used consultants when it did not have the necessary skills, experience or resource in house. The Committee was informed that to provide an in-house team with sufficient skills and experience to undertake the duties provided by consultants would be extremely expensive and would provide issues with annual leave and sickness. The Chief Finance Officer informed the Committee that typically, requests to procure consultant services would be presented to the appropriate committee for scrutiny if funding was required in accordance with the Financial Regulations.

g)             Vision Statement. In response to a question from a member, the Vice Chair informed the Committee that the most recent Vision Statement produced by the Council was Future 40. The Council required a Vision Statement to enable it to successfully bid for external funding and secure buy-in from external parties to the council’s aspirations.

Following consideration, the Committee resolved with 5 votes for and 3 abstentions to:

(1)       Approve the programme of service reviews, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report and as amended, to be progressed by relevant Heads of Service in consultation with the relevant Service Director and Policy Committee Chairs.

The amendment was as follows:

·                To list the wording “To review the community services offering and facilities at the Community & Wellbeing Centre” and “To review the services offering and facilities at Bourne Hall (including museum)” as two separate items in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9