Issue - meetings

Allotment Working Group

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Environment Committee (Item 9)

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This report seeks approval to form of an Allotment Working Group and proposes a draft Terms of Reference for comment.


Additional documents:


Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)          Approve the continuation of the Allotment Working Group.

(2)          Approve the Terms of Reference for the Allotment Working Group as set out at Appendix 1 of the report.

(3)          Agree to appoint members to the working group as set out at section 3.1 of the report.

(4)          To authorise the Vice Chair, and in their absence the Chair, to invite Councillors, stakeholders and officers to the Allotment Working Group as required.

(5)          Agree that a report on the work of the 2023-2024 Allotments Working Group be brought to the October 2024 meeting of the Environment Committee.




The Committee received a report seeking approval to form of an Allotment Working Group and proposing a draft Terms of Reference for comment.

The Committee considered the following matters:

a)            October Environment Committee report on the work of the 2023-2024 Allotments Working Group. The Chair proposed that an additional recommendation be added to the report agreeing that a report on the work of the 2023-2024 Allotments Working Group be brought to the October meeting for the Environment Committee’s consideration. The wording of the proposed additional recommendation was as follows:

(5) Agree that a report on the work of the 2023-2024 Allotments Working Group be brought to the October 2024 meeting of the Environment Committee.

Councillor Christine Cleveland seconded the proposal. The Committee voted unanimously in favour of the addition of the recommendation.

b)            Membership and work of the 2023/24 working group.  In response to comments from a Member, the Chair confirmed that at the time of the formation of the allotment working group, an invitation was extended to all Members of the Council for nominations to the group. She stated that the working group had made achievements throughout the year, which would be detailed in the report to the October meeting as mentioned at recommendation 5.

c)            Officer attendance at meetings of the working group. Following a question from a Member, the Chair confirmed that Officers were not present at the 2023/24 meetings of the working group as there was not enough resources at the time. The Vice-Chair confirmed that there would be Officers present at the meetings of the working group for 2024/25, and that meetings of the group would be arranged as and when required when there was specific business to be discussed.

d)            Stakeholder invitations to attend meetings. A Member wished to express that they felt it was important that allotment site representatives be invited to attend meetings of the working group.

Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)          Approve the continuation of the Allotment Working Group.

(2)          Approve the Terms of Reference for the Allotment Working Group as set out at Appendix 1 of the report.

(3)          Agree to appoint members to the working group as set out at section 3.1 of the report:

-           The Vice-Chair of the Environment Committee (to preside as Chair of the working group), Councillor Alan Williamson

-           Councillor Christine Cleveland

-           Councillor Steven McCormick

-           Councillor Julie Morris

(4)          To authorise the Vice Chair, and in their absence the Chair, to invite Councillors, stakeholders and officers to the Allotment Working Group as required.

(5)          Agree that a report on the work of the 2023-2024 Allotments Working Group be brought to the October 2024 meeting of the Environment Committee.