Issue - meetings

Environment and sustainability working group

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Environment Committee (Item 10)

10 Environment and sustainability working group pdf icon PDF 230 KB

This report recommends the continuation of a councillor Working Group to oversee the implementation of the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan.  It proposes terms of reference for the group to be approved.


Additional documents:


Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)          Agree the continuation of the Environment and Sustainability Working Group.

(2)          Approve the terms of reference for the Working Group as set out at Appendix 1 of the report.

(3)          Agree to appoint members to the working group as set out below:

-       The Vice-Chair of the Environment Committee (to preside as Chair of the working group) – Councillor Alan Williamson

-       Residents’ Association members – Councillors Christine Cleveland, Tony Froud, and Jan Mason

-       Conservative member – Councillor Kieran Persand

-       Labour member – Councillor Chris Ames

-       Liberal Democrat member – Councillor Julie Morris

(4)          To authorise the Vice Chair, and in their absence the Chair, to invite Councillors, stakeholders and officers to the Environment and Sustainability Working Group as required.




The Committee received a report recommending the continuation of a Councillor Working Group to oversee the implementation of the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan.  It proposed terms of reference for the group to be approved.

The Committee considered the following matters:

a)            Conservative member position on the working group. The Chair confirmed that, following the publication of the agenda, Councillor Kieran Persand had been nominated for the Conservative member position (listed as TBC in the report) on the working group. This was noted by the Committee.

Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)          Agree the continuation of the Environment and Sustainability Working Group.

(2)          Approve the terms of reference for the Working Group as set out at Appendix 1 of the report.

(3)          Agree to appoint members to the working group as set out below:

-       The Vice-Chair of the Environment Committee (to preside as Chair of the working group) – Councillor Alan Williamson

-       Residents’ Association members – Councillors Christine Cleveland, Tony Froud, and Jan Mason

-       Conservative member – Councillor Kieran Persand

-       Labour member – Councillor Chris Ames

-       Liberal Democrat member – Councillor Julie Morris

(4)          To authorise the Vice Chair, and in their absence the Chair, to invite Councillors, stakeholders and officers to the Environment and Sustainability Working Group as required.