Issue - meetings

Community Infrastructure Levy Member Working Group

Meeting: 11/07/2024 - Licensing and Planning Policy Committee (Item 6)

6 Community Infrastructure Levy Member Working Group pdf icon PDF 237 KB

Following the approval of the Community Infrastructure Levy Spending Protocol in January 2024, this report recommends approval of updated Terms of Reference for the CIL Member Working Group and agreement to the establishment and membership of the group.

Additional documents:


Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)       Agree to the establishment of the CIL Member Working Group.

(2)       Approve the Terms of Reference for the CIL Member Working Group as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

(3)       Agree the Membership of the CIL Member Working Group for 2024/25 as set out in Section 3 of the report, with the following members appointed:

·                Cllr Clive Woodbridge (Chair) – Licensing & Planning Policy Committee Representative

·                Cllr Kim Spickett – Community & Wellbeing Committee Representative

·                Cllr Liz Frost – Environment Committee Representative

·                Cllr Alex Coley – Strategy & Resources Committee Representative

·                Cllr Alan Williamson – Climate Change Action Group Representative

·                Cllr Julie Morris – Liberal Democrat Representative

·                Cllr Rob Geleit – Labour Representative

·                Cllr Keiran Persand – Conservative Representative



The Committee received a report recommending the approval of updated Terms of Reference for the CIL Member Working Group and agreement to the establishment and membership of the group.

The following matters were considered:

a)            Appointment of Members. The Committee noted that the following members were nominated for appointment to the Group: Councillors, Clive Woodbridge, Kim Spickett, Liz Frost, Alex Coley, Alan Williamson, Julie Morris, Rob Geleit and Kieran Persand.

b)            Terms of Reference. In response to a question from a member, the Planning Policy Manager informed the Committee that the Working Group would consider both the Strategic CIL component (80% of fund) and Neighbourhood CIL component (15% of fund).

c)            Conflicts of Interest. In response to a question from a member, the Planning Policy Manager informed the Committee that Members of the Working Group with an interest in a proposal being considered by the Group would be able to participate in debate, but unable to vote on the proposal.

Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)      Agree to the establishment of the CIL Member Working Group.

(2)      Approve the Terms of Reference for the CIL Member Working Group as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

(3)      Agree the Membership of the CIL Member Working Group for 2024/25 as set out in Section 3 of the report, with the following members appointed:

·                     Cllr Clive Woodbridge (Chair) – Licensing & Planning Policy Committee Representative

·                     Cllr Kim Spickett – Community & Wellbeing Committee Representative

·                     Cllr Liz Frost – Environment Committee Representative

·                     Cllr Alex Coley – Strategy & Resources Committee Representative

·                     Cllr Alan Williamson – Climate Change Action Group Representative

·                     Cllr Julie Morris – Liberal Democrat Representative

·                     Cllr Rob Geleit – Labour Representative

·                     Cllr Kieran Persand – Conservative Representative