Issue - meetings

Urgent items

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Environment Committee (Item 11)

11 Urgent Decisions pdf icon PDF 230 KB


Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved:

(1)          To note the urgent decisions taken and the reasons for those decisions, since the last meeting of the committee.

(2)          That if in future and if appropriate the Committee could be consulted by email if the meeting schedule does not permit time for decisions.




The Committee received a report on the decisions taken by the Chief Executive and Directors on the grounds of urgency, in compliance with the requirements of the Constitution.

The Committee considered the following matters:

a)            Consultation with Committee Members via email. Councillor Julie Morris proposed that an additional recommendation be added to the report to enable Members of the Committee to be consulted regarding urgent decisions via email if appropriate. The wording of the proposed additional recommendation was as follows:

(2) That if in future and if appropriate the Committee could be consulted by email if the meeting schedule does not permit time for decisions.

Councillor Kieran Persand seconded the proposal. The Committee voted unanimously in favour of the addition of the recommendation.

 Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved:

(1)          To note the urgent decisions taken and the reasons for those decisions, since the last meeting of the committee.

(2)          That if in future and if appropriate the Committee could be consulted by email if the meeting schedule does not permit time for decisions.