18 Mid year Budget monitoring report PDF 236 KB
This report advises the Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee of the mid-year financial position for 2024/25 and the forecast outturn.
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report advising the Committee of the mid-year financial position for 2024/25 and the forecast outturn.
The Committee considered the following matters:
b) Filming in the Park. The Assistant Head of Service (Streetcare) explained that income from filming in the Park was inconsistent due to the unpredictable nature of when and how often filming requests are received. She explained that Bovingdons were responsible for any filming taking place inside the mansion, with the Committee responsible for any filming taking place in the grounds or car parks.
c) Fuel Cost Variance. In response to a question from a Member, the Assistant Head of Service (Streetcare) explained that, following a change in legislation in 2022, one of the Park’s tractors had been switched from using red diesel to white diesel. This incurred a cost due to a required deep clean and installation of new fuel gauges to ensure compliance with legislation. She explained that white diesel is also more expensive than red diesel.
d) Unplanned Costs. Following a question from a Member, the Accountant explained that a portion of the 2024/25 expenditure was due to unplanned mandatory works. She explained that it is challenging to accurately incorporate a contingency for unplanned planned in the budget due to the unpredictable nature of such works.
Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:
(1) Note the mid-year financial position.