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Summary of Likely Applications to be Heard at Planning Committee.
The Committee received and noted a report providing a summary of likely applications to be heard at Planning Committee.
The following matters were considered:
a) Notification of Former Gas Holder Station site. A Member of the Committee raised that residents living near the Former Gas Holder Station site, had not received notification or been consulted on the proposed application, and asked if notification was still due to come. The Planning Development and Enforcement Manager informed the Committee that notification has been sent out, to roughly 1200 homes in the surrounding area of the site. The Chair invited the Member to share the address of the resident who has not received notification, so it can be reshared with them.
b) 48 The Avenue. A Member of the Committee asked for clarification as to whether permission could be withheld from developers who are in breach of planning conditions on other sites. The Principal Solicitor informed the Committee that they cannot refuse to determine or accept an application on the basis of the behaviour of the applicant. The Principal Solicitor noted that the only exception would be if the Council has already served an enforcement notice.
c) Site Visit. A Member of the Committee asked if there could be site visit to McKenzie Way before the application is heard at Committee. The Chair confirmed that a site visit would be arranged.
d) Former Gas Holder Station site. The Chair informed the Committee that he would not be chairing the meeting during the Former Gas Holder Station site application, and the Vice Chair would be chairing that application instead.