Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/11/2016 - Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee (Item 85)

85 Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 99 KB

The Committee is asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee held on 27 June 2016.


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee held on the 27 June 2016 were agreed as true record, and signed by the Chairman subject to the correction of minor typographical errors, and the following amendments, agreed by the Committee:

Minute no. 78, page 2, second paragraph, line 4 add: ‘Income excluding precepts was £144,658, £21,502 less than budget.’

Minute no. 80 page 4, last paragraph to read:  ‘…volunteers who undertook such valuable work and to Sally Williams of the Meadow Project who was sadly moving to pastures new.’

Minute no. 82, page 5, second paragraph, first line to read: With regard to pond maintenance, the JMC was informed that the Lower Mole Project…’