88 Events in the Park PDF 74 KB
To note the current events calendar for 2016.
Additional documents:
A report setting out events approved to date for 2016 were noted. All events were required to be covered by public liability insurance and a risk assessment.
There was one forthcoming event, as follows:
· St Raphael’s Santa Dash – 11 December
Nonsuch Park Awareness Day 2016: The Committee received a report outlining the day’s programme and noted the success of the event. It was supported by over 1,000 members of the public who enjoyed a day out in the sunshine enabled by the hard work and efforts of many volunteers, officers and outside agencies who gave up their time to help organise the event.
The date for the next awareness day was confirmed as 10 September 2017, and everyone was encouraged to put the date in their diaries and volunteer to get involved to help the events team. Any ideas to bring to the public awareness the diverse range of activities in the park and to ensure the continued success of the event would be welcomed.
Age Concern Vintage Festival: An application from Age Concern to host a vintage style event on 2 July 2017, to celebrate the group’s 70th anniversary was discussed, and the Committee noted the details of the Event Management Plan. The Streetcare Manager informed the Committee that the event was likely to attract in excess of 1,000 people and the planned Dog show was likely to be a popular draw.
The Committee noted the event calendar, and the success of the Nonsuch Park Awareness Day 2016, and agreed the recommendation to support the proposal for Age Concern to hold a Vintage Festival in Nonsuch Park.