102 Progress Report - January 2017 PDF 63 KB
A report to update the Joint Management Committee on the progress of matters considered previously and activities of the Volunteer Groups.
Additional documents:
Samantha Whitehead provided a verbal update on the Dementia Friendly Initiative and outlined a proposal to update three maps at the entrances to Nonsuch Park in keeping with the Committee’s pledge to develop more dementia friendly signage.
Members were keen that the public was aware of the initiative and the Joint Management Committee’s commitment to supporting the project. It was agreed that the local press would be invited to view and report on any dementia friendly signs that were introduced in the park.
Volunteer Groups
Nonsuch Voles:- Paul Airey, Chair of Nonsuch Voles presented the fourth quarter update from the Nonsuch Voles. Of particular note was a visit by fifteen sixth form students and two accompanying teachers from Ewell Castle School who enthusiastically helped the Voles with clearing and the planting of an Oak tree. The pupils were taking part in a Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and it was intended that the work undertaken would encourage a sense of ownership of the woodland.
It was agreed that the Committee would send a letter of thanks to the students including an open invitation to return and inspire others to join in.
Gerald Smith of Friends of Nonsuch reported that had been busy redecorating the museum and preparing for the new season.
Cheam Park
Dominic Aslangul of London Borough of Sutton gave a verbal update, as follows:
· A new gravel pathway has been constructed running from the café to the entrance of Nonsuch Park
· £60,000 of funding has been secured to construct a new Trim Trail in the park
· The café had been broken into with the loss of one item of machinery. It was agreed that due to the close proximity of the café to Nonsuch Park, Samantha Whitehead would be kept informed of any criminal activity in Cheam Park.
Round Pond
The Committee were informed that work had not yet started on phase 1 of the restoration of the Round Pond but were assured that it would be carried out prior to the bird nesting season.