114 Restoration of the Round Pond PDF 92 KB
The Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee is asked to consider a bid for funds on behalf of the Lower Mole Project to fence off and gate the Round Pond and to convert the Sparrow Farm Road picnic area into a dog socialisation area which will include a dog friendly pond.
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The Committee received a report detailing a proposal to fence off and gate the Round Pond and converting the Sparrow Farm picnic area into a dog socialisation area which would include a dog friendly pond. In November 2016 the Committee had agreed to the removal of some tree cover and vegetation on the south side of the pond which had provided much needed light to the pond. In order to give an indication of the water quality the Nonsuch Voles had carried out water quality tests and concluded that there were indications of significant pollution and likely contributing factors were dog faeces and leaf litter. Following these findings, approval was now being sought for the next stage of the restoration ie; fencing off of the pond and creating a new area for dogs thus allowing the pond time to recover.
Stewart Cocker, Countryside Manager for Epsom & Ewell addressed the Committee to talk about a similar project that had taken place in Horton Country Park. A pond which had been thriving in the late 90’s and had been used by many dogs, experienced a steep decline in quality until it was fenced off in 2014. The condition of the pond had improved dramatically in a short amount of time, and was now completely restored to its former glory. Stewart commented that members of the public had been extremely supportive of the scheme and estimated that 90% of the people effected by the fencing off of the pond had adhered to the request to keep dogs out of the area.
The Committee was assured that if there were any plans to remove/relocate large areas of trees or vegetation, relevant specialists would be consulted. Members noted that there would be a gate in the fence to allow access for maintenance but that it would initially stay locked to the public. It was further noted that the creation of a pond in the new dog socialisation area would likely benefit the drainage in the area which was not often used due to being waterlogged the majority of time.
Having considered the proposals, the Committee agreed to the following recommendations:
(1) To grant permission for the Lower Mole Project to bid for funds to fence off and gate the Round Pond, and if successful to commence works during summer 2017.
(2) To convert the Sparrow Farm picnic area to a dog socialisation area.
(3) To construct a small, dog friendly area to a dog socialisation area.
In addition, the following recommendations were proposed and agreed:
(4) An annual report in April to come before the Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee with an update on the progress of the project for both the Round Pond area and the dog socialisation area
(5) A review of the project to be undertaken after five years to assess the success of the scheme.