5 Final Accounts 2016-17 and Budget 2017-18 Update PDF 92 KB
This item comprises of a report on the Joint Management Committee final accounts for the financial year 2016/2017 and a budget update for 2017/2018.
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The Committee received the final accounts for 2016/2017 detailing the variances on income and expenditure budgets which has resulted in an overall surplus of £19,515. Taking into account the surplus and a change to the brought forward working balance, the balance carried forward into 2017/2018 was £134,287, and following a review of the budget for 2017/2018 the projected contribution to the working balance for 2017/2018 was £16,815. The Committee noted that should the Heritage Lottery Fund bid go ahead the estimated consultancy fees agreed by the Committee of £15,000 could be funded from the surplus.
The Committee considered the explanations for the revised 2017/2018 budget, and made the following comments/observations:
· Following a revision on the purchase of Memorials’ budget, the Committee discussed the existing procedures/guidance for supplying and placing memorial benches in and around Nonsuch Park and Officers agreed to undertake a review and report back to the Committee.
· It was noted that the fluctuating costs of fuel made forecasting difficult and the reduction in the petrol, diesel and oil budget had therefore been based on previous year’s consumption.
· The budget for the emptying of dog bins also included the cost of providing general litter bins.
Accordingly, the Committee agreed the recommendations as follows:
(1) Received the final accounts for 2016/17
(2) Approved the revised changes to the 2017/18