6 Maintenance Plan Update June 2017 PDF 97 KB
This report provides an update on the priority works for 2017 and seeks the Committee’s approval to proceed with urgent health and safety works.
Additional documents:
The Committee was advised that six areas of health and safety works had been prioritised, as follows:
· Pathway between Nonsuch Mansion and Sparrow Farm Lodge:- It was noted that the most cost effective and appropriate method of repair would be a rustic pathway consisting of crushed concrete encased by kerbs. Officers proposed a phased replacement starting with the most damaged areas and agreed to investigate the possibility of widening the path.
· Separation of Services for Friends of Nonsuch:- The separation of the services would ensure accurate charge back to Friends of Nonsuch.
· Nonsuch Mansion/Tractor Shed Electrical Remedial Works:- It was noted that these were classified as urgent health and safety works which we were duty bound to rectify under legislation.
· General Window Repairs:- An estimate to be obtained for repairs and redecoration to high level windows at the back of the flats on the museum side including the bell tower.
· Flooding to access road and outside nursery (Cheam gate):- The Committee noted that remedial works had been undertaken to clear the blocked drains that had caused the flooding, but a permanent solution was necessary for which a budget allowance of £20,000 had been made.
· Nonsuch Mansion Fire Protection Works:- Following inspection, these works had been recommended by Surrey Fire and Rescue, for which a budget allowance of £10,000 had been made. Officers were pursuing firm quotes and Councillor Alex Clarke offered to pass on the contact details of a reputable company used by other local authorities. The Committee were assured should any fire regulations be revised as a result of the recent events the Committee would be informed.
Having noted the contents of the updated maintenance timetable and proposed priority works, the Committee agreed to the carrying out of prioritized health and safety works as detailed in the report and noted the sum of £9,936 set aside for unforeseen works.